Sunday, November 16, 2008

Winner for Bakuc 2008!

Congratz to the winner of BAKUC year 2008!

He's our dear Rayloke dude.... I know him from Lowyat forum ^^

Here's his entry....

Theme is 'Zaku-II Development Project' ^^

More pictures... ^^

^Very nice and neat work^^

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^Cool details on the control dashboard! The great LEDs made a great job too! But what shows on the screen looks more like a radar than the zaku's development information for me ^^;

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^LOL... fierce woman scolding her workers ^^; jkjk

This entry really worth the winning on my opinion. Gratz to Rayloke dude again^^

1st runner up goes to the PG-Strike and 2nd runner up goes to the Qubeley ^^ Gratz for their hard work too...

Some retake clear pictures of the mighty entries... ^^

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All images are from ShinAsakura and kurz from Lowyat.

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