Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Add Maths.... : x

Add Maths exam over today!!!

Lol just a small update on my exam paper today (add maths and moral)... We don't have any problem with our moral paper. All we need to study is the definations of the moral values and how to apply it in the questions given and that's all...

Then went it goes to Add maths... ... ... Add maths paper 1 kinda easy to me but paper 2 killed everyone in my class T.T

According to my friend, half our my class had BIG problem with the paper 2 questions and these is what happened...

1. Enter exam hall.... (all started to panic...)
2. By looking at the question only... (>.<')<(die...)
3. Hard to understand what the question wants...
4. Forgot the methods to solve the problems...

LOL..... therefor, B3-A2 is possible for it but A1.... (T-T)

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