The mighty-long-delayed awaited Final Fantasy XIII Japanese PS3 game has finally arrived at my doorstep in Melaka. (Bloody Fedex delivered it early in the morning 8 a.m. and I have to wake up to retrieve the parcel...) This copy of FF XIII is my cousin's but I helped him order from Play-Asia and addressed to my hometown house. It's not a copy with Final Fantasy XIV Bonus Item Code but who cares, it's not mine anyway :p
These photo is taken at night using my Xperia X1 with only ceiling lights. As you can see in the picture, the box is still wrapped with plastic wrapper and I'm told by him not to open it until it reaches his hand first back in KL... (deng)
As for the last picture, I'm pretty surprised the words behind the box still can be seen with my crappy X1 camera lol 8D
Can't wait to try out this game actually but I'm afraid my study will go down the river if I play now D:
A few days ago, we had a online video conference conducted by Hazmer aka ahbonk in my college, he talked about the Doujin Game Culture in Japan (he's currently in Japan XD ).
He mentioned about some famous doujin works like The Voice Of A Distance Star, 5cmpersec, Supercell, Mikumiku Dance (my favourite... XD), Meltyblood by Type-moon, Ragnarok Battle Offline and etc etc...
He also showed us the documentation about Akihabara desu~
And as expected, Akihabara aka Akiba BANZAI~ <3 href="">
Phew, finally the presentation has finished. It was nice to see familiar faces in The One Academy again, no matter how pixelated they were :P Man, I miss teaching! Once it was all done, can't help but feel a little lonely (this is where you go "awwwwwwwwwwwwww...")
fyi, I was invited to give a live video feed presentation to The One Academy students, talking about doujin culture and how you can be part of the ever-growing independent spirit.
Thanks to Sook Chiung, Wei Peow and the rest of the team, the session went on smoothly, though there were a few disconnections here and there. Super big arigatou to them!
Before the pressie, Yee Lean enthusiastically showed the V sign to me, hehe. It was as if the students were in Tokyo themselves, considering how common the V sign is here! Pictured also are Benjamin and Sora, otakus themselves I'm sure :P
Poor Joanne. She had to carry that camera so that I could see the audience and my own slides. And look at Sook Chiung's worried face lol. I'm sure this is where she went "Talk S-L-O-W-E-R". Thanks so much, you two. Will you both marry me?
We started with a little exercise session to test the Internet lag. Even from Tokyo, I could control their arms bwahahahaha. Pictured are Aurelia (o rly ah?), Zheng Hong aka "Lechaoz the Level 80 Paladin" xD and Wahyu, the dude who likes to take videos in female toilets.
I talked a little bit about myself, and this is where my /IF/ pictures come in. Nerds rule!
When I showed a pic of some japanese girls (aka my girlfriends) wearing some Tokyo Fashion, Kellie the fashionista seemed to be in awe. "Wah where can I get that skirt..."
My boss Sweii was there, and so was her boss! Beside her is Tatsun, The One Academy's principal. Yikes *nervous*
This is either Wahyu fully paying attention to my presentation, or he's just acting cool in front of Reuben's camera. I'm betting the latter lol
Wow some students DO pay attention. I'm surprised :P
My intention was to make the presentation have a lot of lawls, which turned out to be a success :D Love the laugh on this dude! Diana and Tanyus behind showed everyone their beautiful teeth, and Ifa seemed puzzled "Eh what's so funny?"
Selvia, on the other hand, was bored. Aiyoh Selvia, sakit hati aku tengok gambar ni!
The moral of the story is that you guys have talent, and a whole lot of tools out there are free, so go out there and do great stuff! Thanks so much for coming guys!
Just an additional note, I would like to congratulate two of my favourite students in The One, Yiwei (Hey where's Yenn?!) and Chen aka Mak Datuk. They did so well in their games that they were also invited to give a presentation. You both make me and The One Academy proud!
Thanks to Reuben, Aurelia and Benjamin for the pics!
We also got 5 myths preventing an artist from being a great artist during the presentation, given by ahbonk as well =D (his advices for them is the sentence in the brackets)
-"People nowadays scare to make mistake"... ~( need to make mistake to aviod them = =; )
-"I need to work to get experience"..~(do both. "benefits your work, not make you work slave =X ...)
-"Low pay in independent development"...~(bad economy to get game industry to run =( )
-"Government support for the creative industry is weak"...~(prove to them it's worth being supported =D)
*I love this one...
-"Nothing to offer, it will be plain suck"...~(You are a designer, do you know that 95% games out there are FUGLY? lol...)
Seriously, this presentation REALLY OPENED my eyes towards the 'Power Of Doujinshi'...
... as a foundation student in The One Academy LOL...
And guess what,
IT IS FUN TO HAVE ALL FRIENDS THAT SHARE THEIR SAME INTEREST AS MINE! OH mommy i love you for putting me into this college...
Ok now, back to my life... Seriously thousand assignments isn't a joke at all, and all activities (limteh yamcha anime gunpla...) have to reduce to minimal or else i can fail my subject sobzzzz....
I got lots of friends in TOA, and they are great! Got joker la, lenglui la, la-las la... I will go into more details about them tomorrow... (get their pictures, as well as think some description for them... lol)
5 days of classes per week (sucks for me) and saturday also got morning class (fainted...), I cant go back to hometown (Melaka) that often at all... as i said, assignments is killing...
I'm currently staying at USJ11, my cousin's house. At 1st i plainned to rent a room at PJS9 (just a residential beside my college) but if i do so, no more car for me during 2nd year... Deng!
Lol, nowadays I'm freaking obsessed with photographing. I don't know why myself, but I suddenly interested in it and started taking my hobby collection items to shoot. Although I'm not equip with decent camera (Digital SLR), I still use my cell phone camera (SE K800i) for that purpose. Will this interest develops and become a part of my hobby? Who knows...
Here's some product of my recent photo-madness:
^Takamichi Nanoha! My favourate collection of all
I do have a few friends on net and forums who willing to share their photographic tips and tutorial with me beside those tutorial pictures and tips from Deviantart. I think I will start collecting money and get myself a more decent camera for this hobby. After some market research, I found out that Nikon D80, Nikon D300, Sony Alpha 350, Sony Alpha 700 is quite a good bargain for a decent DSLR camera. They all range more than RM3K lol...
Hehe my brother came back from Singapore today and guess what, he got myself a present! It's Hatsune Miku from Figma, Good Smile Company. Hatsune Miku is the first installment in the Vocaloid 2 Character Vocal Series released on August 31st, 2007. She is the main character in the software besides Kagamine Rin and Ren.
Pictures of my Hatsune Miku I took with my lousy K800i camera few minutes ago ^^; Edited: 1 more picture added...
^"Minna~, ogenki desu ka?!" I like her a lot! (^o^ )
Recently there's special X'mas pack of Figmas release on this Christmas season. Below are a few pictures of the special items add-on included in the pack:
Lol i want the special X'mas pack of Miku too ( " = 3=)
^The pine tree looks too fake to me ^^; I want the Christmas add-on for my Miku!!
If anyone interested to buy Figma Hatsune Miku, please leave me a message at 'chatbox'. I have one extra preorder-ed from Glitz.
A student from The One Academy aka Thousand Assignments College. I'm from Melaka, Malaysia. I have great interest in anime and mechas and collecting gunpla and figurines as personal interest collection too. My collection is growing and i will like to share my interest with everyone.
Anime desu! Ikimasu!