Sunday, January 3, 2010

Final Fantasy XIII

The mighty-long-delayed awaited Final Fantasy XIII Japanese PS3 game has finally arrived at my doorstep in Melaka. (Bloody Fedex delivered it early in the morning 8 a.m. and I have to wake up to retrieve the parcel...) This copy of FF XIII is my cousin's but I helped him order from Play-Asia and addressed to my hometown house. It's not a copy with Final Fantasy XIV Bonus Item Code but who cares, it's not mine anyway :p

These photo is taken at night using my Xperia X1 with only ceiling lights. As you can see in the picture, the box is still wrapped with plastic wrapper and I'm told by him not to open it until it reaches his hand first back in KL... (deng)

As for the last picture, I'm pretty surprised the words behind the box still can be seen with my crappy X1 camera lol 8D

Can't wait to try out this game actually but I'm afraid my study will go down the river if I play now D:

1 comment:

Joel said...

Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you about some broken links on your site. Please email me back and I would be happy to point them out to you.

Joel Houston